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La ballata della città senza nome [DVD]
/ [directed by Joshua Logan] ; [con] Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, Jean Seberg
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Fuga da Alcatraz [DVD]
/ [produced and directed by Don Siegel] ; [con] Clint Eastwood ; [based on the book by J. Campbell Bruce]
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Harold e Maude [DVD]
/ [directed by Hal Ashby] ; [con] Ruth Gordon, Bud Cort ; [tratto dal romanzo di Colin Higgins]
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Lassie [DVD]
/ [directed by Daniel Petrie ; [con] Thomas Guiry]
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Il Padrino [DVD]
/ [directed by Francis Ford Coppola ; [con] Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Richard Castellano, Robert Duvall, Sterling Hayden, John Marley, Richard Conte, Diane Keaton] ; [based on Mario Puzo's novel "The Godfather"]
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L'aereo più pazzo del mondo [DVD]
/ [written for the screen and directed by Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker] ; [starring Robert Hays, Jule Hagerty]
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Alfie [DVD]
/ [produced & directed by Lewis Gilbert] ; [con] Michael Caine ... [et al.]
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Black rain [DVD] = Pioggia sporca
/ [directed by Ridley Scott] ; [con] Michael Douglas, [Andy Garcia, Ken Takakura, Kate Capshaw]
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Comma-22 [DVD]
/ [directed by Mike Nichols ; [con] Alan Arkin, Martin Balsam, Richard Benjamin, Arthur Garfunkel, Jack Gilford, Buck Henry, Bob Newhart, Anthony Perkins, Paula Prentiss, Martin Sheen, Jon Voight e Orson Welles]
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I cospiratori [DVD]
/ [directed by Martin Ritt] ; [con] Richard Harris, Sean Connery, Samantha Eggar
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Forrest Gump [DVD]
/ directed by Robert Zemeckis ; [con] Tom Hanks ... [et al.]
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Fuga da Alcatraz [DVD]
/ [produced and directed by Don Siegel] ; [con] Clint Eastwood ; [based on the book by J. Campbell Bruce]
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Il grande Gatsby [DVD]
/ [directed by Jack Clayton] ; [con] Robert Redford, Mia Farrow
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Il maratoneta [DVD]
/ a John Schlesinger film ; [con] Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier, Roy Scheider, William Devane
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Il presidio [DVD]
: scena di un crimine / [directed by Peter Hyams] ; [[con] Sean Connery, Mark Harmon, Meg Ryan]
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La strana coppia [DVD]
/ [directed by Gene Saks] ; [con] Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau
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The untouchables [DVD] = Gli intoccabili
/ [directed by Brian De Palma] ; [con] Kevin Costner, Charles Martin Smith, Andy Garcia, Robert De Niro e Sean Connery ; [music by Ennio Morricone]
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